Myrrh Resin-Natural resin, Incense, Purification, Protection, Meditation, Raise Spiritual Vibrations, Space Clearing, State of Enlightenment
Myrrh Resin-Natural resin, Incense, Purification, Protection, Meditation, Raise Spiritual Vibrations, Space Clearing, State of Enlightenment
Myrrh comes from dried resin extracted from the Commiphora myrrha tree, which belongs to the Commiphora plant genus. Myrrh was very popular among ancient cultures. The Chinese valued it as a medicine, while Egyptians used it for embalming their pharaohs as well as for their sun-worshipping rituals. In fact, myrrh was mentioned in Ebers Papyrus, one of the oldest Egyptian medical texts, dating back to 1550 BC. Even the Greek soldiers made use of this resin, bringing it with them to battle to stop their wounds from bleeding.
Myrrh is thought to unite Heaven and Earth by awakening your awareness to your Higher Self.
Myrrh resin helps maintain a state of enlightenment and is burned as incense for purification, protection and to raise spiritual vibrations. It's used during and before meditation to align energy centers and encourage healing. It's combined with other resins like Frankincense to increase the power of any incense.
Myrrh has a earthy sweet, balsam fragrance. This is pure resin no chemicals added.