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From the Earth

St. John's Wort Tincture - Organic, Herbal Care

St. John's Wort Tincture - Organic, Herbal Care

Regular price $18.00 USD
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Tinctures are concentrated, liquid forms of herbal medicine that are easy to assimilate. Take doses in tea or water. If you're concerned about the alcohol, tinctures used in hot water will let the alcohol evaporate off.

This tincture is from dried plants rather than fresh plants. The effectiveness is not diminished, just the color is not as bright red.

St. John's Wort tincture eases flu & colds, depression, SAD, muscles spasms & pain. It is soothing to the nerves and is very healing for nerve ending illnesses such as chicken pox, shingles and the herpes virus. St. John's Wort is a restorative tonic to the entire nervous system, calming and soothing frayed nerves or when you feel anxious, nervous or irritable. St. John's Wort regulates hormonal activity too, since its active ingredients have strong effects on hormone regulation. The herb can lessen hypothyroidism symptoms and aids the thyroid gland in producing adequate amounts of hormones.

A dropper of tincture ( 25-30 drops) in a glass of water taken several times a day helps combat flu and colds because of its anti-viral properties. A dropper of tincture taken a couple of times a day will help relieve depression, pain and mood swings.

Organic ingredients: St. John's wort infused with 100% vodka.

Shelf life is 5 years. Comes in a 2 oz amber colored glass bottle. Store away from heat & light.

Seek expert medical advice before taking St. John’s Wort with medical drugs. Avoid intense exposure to sunlight or UV light while taking St. John’s Wort.
Keep Out of the Reach of Children.

All of the herbs in my tinctures & oils are organic, ethically wild harvested, and untreated.

This item has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to cure diseases or to replace the advice of medical professionals.

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